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» Tristezza e nostalgia
VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Icon_minitimeDa The Candyman Lun Ott 25, 2021 1:30 pm

» I-phone e I-pod: un' applicazione, un mondo davanti a te
VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Icon_minitimeDa B4rcy Sab Ago 29, 2020 5:59 pm

VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Icon_minitimeDa The Candyman Mar Giu 16, 2020 7:40 pm

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» Un saluto a tutti voi!
VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Icon_minitimeDa The Candyman Mar Lug 17, 2018 11:22 pm

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» Una canzone al giorno (?)
VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Icon_minitimeDa The Candyman Gio Mag 10, 2018 12:12 am

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 VI Edizione

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Età : 30
Località : Lake Garda
Messaggi : 156

VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: VI Edizione   VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Icon_minitimeSab Giu 23, 2012 10:21 am

Ragazzi, ma dite che le regole riguardo al combattimento vero e proprio (tiro e cac) saranno cambiate radicalmente? Perché questo significa che la maggior parte delle vecchie liste sgrave diventerà carta straccia :§xy
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Iniziato Lucius
Sentinella di Zendra
Sentinella di Zendra
Iniziato Lucius

Età : 39
Località : Cormano a 2 passi da Kurush
Messaggi : 3535

VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: VI Edizione   VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Icon_minitimeSab Giu 23, 2012 2:06 pm

bhe...dipende tutto da molte cose...ora cm ora sta storia dei punti SCAFO sui veicoli mi incuriosisce parekkio...questa era un ed. di mech prevalentemente...bisogna vedere quanto ciò può cambiare il meta...ma penso che cmq dei cambiamenti saranno inevitabili...gli ultimi codex cmq credo ne gioveranno di più visto che gli ultimi codex hanno (mi sa proprio) un concept improntato sull'edizione che sarebbe uscità...
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Iniziato Lucius
Sentinella di Zendra
Sentinella di Zendra
Iniziato Lucius

Età : 39
Località : Cormano a 2 passi da Kurush
Messaggi : 3535

VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: VI Edizione   VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Icon_minitimeSab Giu 23, 2012 6:22 pm

Citazione :
prendiamo per esempio un dreadnought con 3 hp

-se gli fai un danno penetrante tiri sulla tabella (praticamente come quella di ora solo che le amri a vp 3 hanno -1 al danno). se lo distruggi... beh, è distrutto^^ se no perde anche un HP

- se gli fai un superficiale non tiri sulla tabella ma rimuovi solo 1 HP

quando il veicolo finisce gli HP viene distrutto automaticamente ( quindi al 3 risultato tra superficiali e gravi se non viene distrutto prima)

un esmepio facile x capire l'importanza dei punti scafo...

x capire meglio bisognerebbe sapere anche quanti punti scafo hanno i trasporti truppe...ma se:
-landone 4punti scafo
-dreddy 3punti scafo
-predaotr 2punti scafo???(suppongo io...)
-rhino/razor 1punto scafo???(suppongo io...)

bhe mi pare ovvio che si giocheà molta più fanteria ora...si ritorna un po più indietro nel tempo cosi...a sto punto sembra quasi certo che l'ediz. del carretto finisce cn la 5ed.
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Veggente di Zendra

Età : 37
Località : Yamato
Messaggi : 5413

VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: VI Edizione   VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Icon_minitimeSab Giu 23, 2012 6:56 pm

Mah, che i rhino-razor possano avere un solo punto scafo se le regole sono quelle di sopra, mi sembra assai difficile...35 punti buttati. Anche perché, sempre secondo le indiscrezioni che ho letto, può darsi che le truppe non contestino più da dentro i veicoli...
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Iniziato Lucius
Sentinella di Zendra
Sentinella di Zendra
Iniziato Lucius

Età : 39
Località : Cormano a 2 passi da Kurush
Messaggi : 3535

VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: VI Edizione   VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Icon_minitimeSab Giu 23, 2012 7:46 pm

Citazione :
sempre secondo le indiscrezioni che ho letto, può darsi che le truppe non contestino più da dentro i veicoli...
l'ho letto pure io...credo proprio che sia cosi...

bhe ma yak se nn ne hanno 1, magari2...ma siam sempre li...niente più mono-razor...questo è cmq un bene...più fanteria...addirittura puoi comprarti gli scenici...ho letto ceh determinati elemente imperiali se hanno un unità entro 2ui la rendono implacabile...azz...nn male...

Alleati naturali che prenderanno i bonus dati dal QG principale della lista principale
Alleati di fortuna che combattono per te ma non si fidano di te quindi non beneficiano dei bonus strategici dati dal generale...

nn male..simpatica cm cosa
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Veggente di Zendra

Età : 37
Località : Yamato
Messaggi : 5413

VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: VI Edizione   VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Icon_minitimeSab Giu 23, 2012 9:11 pm

Se quel che abbiamo letto è vero, mi farebbe molto piacere. Non ho mai apprezzato le liste meccanizzate, mi piacciono molto come tema ma non come stile di gioco.
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Età : 33
Località : Torino
Messaggi : 1126

VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: VI Edizione   VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Icon_minitimeDom Giu 24, 2012 2:20 am

Citazione :
allora ragazzi sono andato in gw e hanno ricevuto un foglio con spiegate le cose principali della 6a edizione, allora

- fase movimento-tiro-carica non è cambiata assolutamente, in più ora le granate si possono tirare

- carica casuale determinata da movimento più 2d6 sommati, non il più alto

- fase intera x i poteri psionici

- possibilità in compilazione lista di acquistare elementi scenici tipo fortezza della redenzione che costa 250 pt 14-14-14

- tutti i mezzi hanno punti struttura chi più chi meno in base alle dimensioni

- veicoli veloci colpiti solo al 6 sul tiro al 4 x le armi antiereo

- in CaC i personaggi potranno andare in sfida tra di loro

- ogni esercito avrà la possibilità di scegliere una parte di lista di alleati

- fanteria volante carica di 2d6 ma può ripeterli

- creature mostruose possono dimezzare i loro attacchi raddoppiando la forza

- creature mostruose volanti possono fare l'attacco di passaggio tipo lord su catacomb facendo d3+2 attacchi e decidendo su cosa allocare se fanno 6

- cecchini se fanno 6 x colpire decidono dove allocare la ferita

- sul fuoco devono essere allocate le ferite e rimosse le perdite dal modello più vicino all'unità che sta sparando

- armi con vp, vp 2 solo magli, martelli e ASCE potenziate, no armi potenziate normali che avranno vp 3

x ora è tutto baci

sta a vedere che finalmente servono quei due DK che avevo da parte :P

in compenso se non ci saranno gli spamm di razor ci saranno gli spamm di falci della notte (si hanno un maledetto tesla binato sopra)
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Iniziato Lucius
Sentinella di Zendra
Sentinella di Zendra
Iniziato Lucius

Età : 39
Località : Cormano a 2 passi da Kurush
Messaggi : 3535

VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: VI Edizione   VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Icon_minitimeDom Giu 24, 2012 8:41 am

Citazione :
in CaC i personaggi potranno andare in sfida tra di loro
mephiston nn è un PI...ahahahahah cm anche il sanguinor...

Citazione :
possibilità in compilazione lista di acquistare elementi scenici tipo fortezza della redenzione che costa 250 pt 14-14-14
a sto punto spero vivamente che alzino la solgia del punteggio nei tornei...a 1500pt. se no diventa castrante...

cmq ora i volanti se molto più giocabili...una doppia storm che ti turba in faccia...eheheheheheh colpibile al 6...e poi ho la cover del turbo...
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Veggente di Zendra

Età : 37
Località : Yamato
Messaggi : 5413

VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: VI Edizione   VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Icon_minitimeDom Giu 24, 2012 12:18 pm

Zoro ha scritto:
Citazione :
allora ragazzi sono andato in gw e hanno ricevuto un foglio con spiegate le cose principali della 6a edizione, allora

- fase movimento-tiro-carica non è cambiata assolutamente, in più ora le granate si possono tirare

Granate lanciabili = figata

- carica casuale determinata da movimento più 2d6 sommati, non il più alto


- fase intera x i poteri psionici

- possibilità in compilazione lista di acquistare elementi scenici tipo fortezza della redenzione che costa 250 pt 14-14-14

- tutti i mezzi hanno punti struttura chi più chi meno in base alle dimensioni

- veicoli veloci colpiti solo al 6 sul tiro al 4 x le armi antiereo

- in CaC i personaggi potranno andare in sfida tra di loro

- ogni esercito avrà la possibilità di scegliere una parte di lista di alleati

Hmm....qui ci esce chissà che cosa....

- fanteria volante carica di 2d6 ma può ripeterli

- creature mostruose possono dimezzare i loro attacchi raddoppiando la forza

- creature mostruose volanti possono fare l'attacco di passaggio tipo lord su catacomb facendo d3+2 attacchi e decidendo su cosa allocare se fanno 6

- cecchini se fanno 6 x colpire decidono dove allocare la ferita

Mica male! Mi sa che si ritornerà ad usare la squadra intera di cecchini allora!

- sul fuoco devono essere allocate le ferite e rimosse le perdite dal modello più vicino all'unità che sta sparando

[color=green]Questa mi sembra una cagata..../color]

- armi con vp, vp 2 solo magli, martelli e ASCE potenziate, no armi potenziate normali che avranno vp 3

Questa mi sembra ancora di più una cagata....

x ora è tutto baci

sta a vedere che finalmente servono quei due DK che avevo da parte :P

in compenso se non ci saranno gli spamm di razor ci saranno gli spamm di falci della notte (si hanno un maledetto tesla binato sopra)

Io da buon Tommaso finché non vedo il regolamento non credo...
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Età : 36
Località : Torino
Messaggi : 15

VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: VI Edizione   VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Icon_minitimeDom Giu 24, 2012 1:28 pm

Mh, qualcuno ha intenzione di prendere il manuale con la versione del giocatore?
Quello con la valigetta, per intenderci (sul sito GW c'è scritto Borsa, la vedrei non come un porta regolamento ma anche solo come una semplice borsa da notebook)
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Età : 31
Località : ROMA
Messaggi : 3279

VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: VI Edizione   VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Icon_minitimeDom Giu 24, 2012 1:32 pm

obZqr ha scritto:
Mh, qualcuno ha intenzione di prendere il manuale con la versione del giocatore?
Quello con la valigetta, per intenderci (sul sito GW c'è scritto Borsa, la vedrei non come un porta regolamento ma anche solo come una semplice borsa da notebook)
non è brutta considerando i dadi e le varie cose,la sacca è carina,però sono 33 euro in più,bisogna vedere se ne valga la pena..
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Età : 33
Località : Torino
Messaggi : 1126

VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: VI Edizione   VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Icon_minitimeDom Giu 24, 2012 2:02 pm

ma stiamo scherzando?
39 euro per dei dadi fuffosi e una tracolla che si romperà alla 5a uscita?
già il regolamento costa un sproposito...
per farvi un idea costa come un testo universitario medio-alto (ripeto ma scherziamo?)

poi ogni uno faccia come vuole, ma resta una presa per il culo...
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The Brave
The Brave

Età : 26
Località : Milano
Messaggi : 304

VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: VI Edizione   VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Icon_minitimeDom Giu 24, 2012 4:23 pm

seriamente, io preferisco prendermi la scatola base che uscirà a settembre con regolamento e i due nuovi eserciti ,molto probabilmente saranno angeli oscuri perchè stanno sulla copertina del regolamento e forse li migliorano con FAQ o li rifanno proprio e CSM che rifaranno sicuramente a luglio o agosto ( e qui ci sono già tanti altri rumors), la soglia dei tornei si alzerà di certo da 1500 p. a 2500 poi gli psionici prendono le carte (cosa ne pensate di questo? io non so se è un bene o un male...) poi sul white dwarf ci sono missioni come recupero delle reliquie e nelle partite ci saranno missioni secondarie come spargere il primo sangue, uccidere il generale ecc... e mi sembra carino
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Età : 27
Località : pergine valsugana
Messaggi : 3370

VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: VI Edizione   VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Icon_minitimeDom Giu 24, 2012 7:07 pm

il coso volante degli orki è forte così.
beh non esageriamo 2500, 1850-2000.
mi fa incazzare una fase intera per gli psionici, e molto contando che e una fase per 9 eserciti su 16, poco e se i poteri psionici (così sembrerebbe se hanno una fase loro) sono forti gli eserciti che ce li hanno e nerfati all'inverosimile quelli che non ce li hanno (e di questi ne gioco 2 :(
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Età : 36
Località : Torino
Messaggi : 15

VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: VI Edizione   VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Icon_minitimeDom Giu 24, 2012 8:20 pm

Oddio, 2500 pti per un torneo del 40K è veramente uno sproposito.
Durerebbe veramente un sacco la partita.

Devo invece dare il mio "dissenso" verso le carte degli psionici, insomma stanno riproponendo una formula che, a detta di molti, nel Fantasy non funziona. :)
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Guardiano di Zendra
Guardiano di Zendra

Età : 38
Località : Muggiò,Genova,Cuneo, Pasturo
Messaggi : 6935

VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: VI Edizione   VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Icon_minitimeDom Giu 24, 2012 9:16 pm

ecco qua un po di info trovata da chi dice di aver letto le regole, alcune parti confermate dal video..e sembra che la fase psichica non ci sia ^^

Citazione :
Someone has read the rulebook and man of the rules are here. Finally we have some Answers.... Hull Points are explained in detail with new things, like "focus fire". I am glad to finally read some of these, as they are starting to bring a little order to the rules I have been reading.

One little thing though. Do not take everything here as exact wording and match, as I was able to find one error and I corrected it. That was with flyers, since we now know that its not 12" minimum when zooming, its 18". That is from the video we saw.

I do think this is right along how things are in the new rulebook, and lucky for us, its only a couple days away until we start seeing it in its full context. Also a big thanks to readers here for pointing me towards this set. I beleive it was Trent, but possibly others as well.

via Hellas Heal
I already read some of 6th rule book there were no % in using slot

Core System
- Change to Pre-Measure like WHFB 8th Edition.
- Force Organization Chart is still in use, no use of Percentage
- Adding new FoC Slot called "Fortification" [0-1] / see below
- Phases remains the same, Movement, Shooting, and then Assault
- No Psychic Phase
- No Initiative Phase

Movement Phase
- Movement is pretty much the same. Infantry can move 6", Jump Infantry 12" and so on.

Shooting Phase
- Rapid Fire weapons can now fire at target 24" away irregardless of moving or not. (or choose to fire twice at target 12" away)
- Pistol is pretty much the same.
- New Weapon type "Salvo" - firing at max. range & max. shots if not move, or 1/2 range and 1/2 shots if moving.
- Heavy Weapon can now be fired on the move, but will be subjected to 'snap fire' rule.
- "Snap Fire" allows certain weapon types to shoot even if moving, but with a BS of 1 (ie. 6 to hit)
- Blast Weapons cannot "snap fire"
- You can only killed as much models in target unit as you can actually see (and within max range).
- Casualties are now removed from closest to furthest.
- Wound Allocation is completely changed.
- When shooting at unit partially in cover, player can choose to "Focus Fire" to kill only models in the open (or in a less covered position).
- You can now throw (most) grenades in the Shooting Phase at the range of 8", limited to 1 grenade per unit per Phase.

Assault Phase
- Charge Distance is now 2D6" adding together.
- Unit can elect to "Overwatch" if being assaulted. Simply a "Stand and Shoot 40K version" - resolved at BS1, Template does D3 hit instead.
- Overwatch can be done only once per turn.
- Unit declaring multiple assaults will suffer from "Disoriented Charge" (not get +1A)
- Unit assaulting multiple enemy unit is subjected to multiple Overwatch.
- Unlike Stand & Shoot, Overwatch does NOT cause Morale Check or Pinning.
- Pile-in reduced to 3" and is done at the model's Initiative Step (ie. before the model could strike)
- Casualties are removed from the front rank, like the case of Shooting Phase
- Units can elect to auto-fail Morale Check at the end of Combat if all models in the unit cannot hurt the attacker at all (ie. S3 vs T10).
- Challenges are in for IC.
- Close-Combat Weapon now have AP value, ranging from AP- to AP1. Pistols don't grant more bonus than in 5th Edition.
- Power SWORD and Lightning Claws are "S: as user" AP3, though Power AXE is S+1, AP2, but is subjected to penalties (Initiative Reduced)
- Fists and Chainfists are Sx2 AP2 and Unwieldy (Intiative reduced to 1), Thunder Hammers has "Concussive" (the exact (or almost) same rules as in 5th Edition)

- Vehicles are now limited to move at the maximum of 12" in the Movement Phase (though it can move further in the Shooting Phase if desired)
- Vehicles can opt to move "Flat Out" in the Shooting Phase, adding an extra 6".
- Vehicles movement and weapons. Defensive and Primary Weapons are gone. You can fire all of your weapons at most of the time. But moving faster will result in less weapon fired at basic BS, the rest will be fired at BS1 (Snap Fire)
- Fast Skimmer moving Flat Out can be more lethal (fire more weapons than in 5th and moving faster [12" Normal + 18" Flat Out])
- Skimmer got a cover save called Jink, basically 5+ cover save and improved to 4+ if going Flat Out.
- Vehicles count as WS0 (auto-hit) if stationary and WS1 (3+ hit) if moved. No idea on how Fast or Skimmer will have bonus, as cover aren't used in Assault.
- Flyers are now in, with its own rules.
- Flyers can move very fast and is hard to target (6 only to hit) unless the shooter has Skystrike rules that allow them to shoot flyer at normal BS.
- When moving fast (called "Zooming") Flyers cannot move less than 18" and cannot disembark any models.

Vehicle and Damage
- New Vehicle Damage Chart, one to rule them all. 1-2 being Shaken, 3 Stunned, 4 and 5 Weapon Destroyed and Immobilised, and 6 Explodes! You only roll the table if the shot penetrate the Armour. Wrecks occur only from taking certain amount of Glancing Hits.
- AP 2 weapons add +1 to the chart, while AP1 adds +2.
- AP"-" is no longer -1 on the table.
- Open-Topped is +1 as well.
- No more "Half Strength if the center hole is off", you always use full strength for any blast that hits the vehicle.
- Hull Points - a new style "wound" for vehicles. Any Glancing Hits removes 1 Hull Point, Penetrate Hit removes 1 Hull Point as well as rolling on the Damage Chart above. If reduced to 0 HP, the vehicle becomes Wreck.
- Vehicles has 3 or 4 HP, notable 4 HP vehicles are Ghost Ark, Land Raider, and Monolith. Details can be found in the rulebook appendix. (Bloodwing stated that some player propose that the formula for Hull Points is Front + Side(once) + Rear divide by 3. Fractions rounding down - this seems to be true.

Vehicle and Passenger
- Passenger can only disembark if vehicle move 0-6".
- Disembarking rules changes, you now place models in base contact with the access point and move up to 6" - this is the furthest distance the unit may move.
- Embarking is pretty much the same.
- Unit count as moving if the vehicle moved 0.1-6", and can only "Snap Fire" if the vehicle move 6.01 - 12"
- Open-topped transport rules are the same (access points and fire points)
- Exploding Flyer that has "zoomed" will result in a S10 no armour save on its passenger. And some sort of S6 Large Blast at any unit under the point the vehicle goes on flame.

Psychic Power
- NO PSYCHIC PHASE (or whatever people are assuming they are)
- Perils of the Warp causes one wound, no saves of any kind allowed.
- Types of psychic power, witchfire (psychic shooting attack), focused witchfire (has a chance to allow player to choose the target model when removing casualty by rolling low scores on Psychic Test), nova (affects all enemy units within range), maelstrom (affecting both friendly and enemy within range), blessing (augmented friend), and malediction (de-buff enemy).
- "Deny the Witch" - every models/units have a slight chance to nullify the effect of psychic power (6+). Chances increase if your unit has Psyker.
- Psychic Hood is reduced to 4+ Deny the Witch if the target of the power is within 6" of the wearer.
- There are 5 new Disciplines of Psychic Powers in the BRB, each has 7 Powers. Each army can access different Disciplines, some cannot use them at all.
- Casting Psychic Power remains the same as in 5th.
- Psychic Powers now have 2 level, calling Warp Charge 1 and 2. Mastery Level 1 can only use Warp Charge 1 power, while Mastery Level 2 allows you to cast 2 "Warp Charge 1" power or 1 "Warp Charge 2". Higher Mastery allows for more.
- Each Psyker generate Warp Charge equal to his Mastery Level.

- Look Out, Sir! is in. Grants character 50% chance to evade the attack if he's within 6" of friendly unit (works in combat too), resolved each successful Look Out Sir on the models within 6" instead.
- Look Out Sir! is improved to 2+ for Independent Character.
- Character can issue / accept challenges.
- One model in your army will be the Warlord (one with highest LD), Warlord can roll on a table (there's 3 table, you can choose 1) to see what benefit he receive. Examples are units within 12" can use his LD, the Character count as Scoring Units, Warlord has FNP if within 3" of Objective.

- Fortification - a new addition to the FoC, limited to 0-1 this allows player to purchase some kind of terrain for their army. Expensive one are Fortress of Redemption (220 points) and cheap ones are Aegis Defence Lines (50 points)
- Allies - a new system that allows player to have a detachment made of another army in the list. Allies works like WFB8th Edition with best buddies, normal allies, and untrusted. The detachment is limited to 1HQ and 1 Troop(compulsory) and additional 1 Troop, 1 Elite, 1 Fast Attack, and 1 Heavy Support.

- There are 3 Deployment Types, one being the classic Pitched Battle, second one is reversed Pitched Battle (deploying along the short table edges), and third one is a triangular deployment.
- Selecting deployment zone remains the same, roll-off to see who deploys first and go first.
- Seize Initiative is still the same.
- 6 Missions with 2 Level Objectives. Primary Objectives grants more Victory Points, but harder to achieve. Secondary Objective is always 1 VP and has 3 of them. First Blood (for getting the first "kill point", Slay the Warlord (for killing the enemy Warlord - aka. general), and Linebreaker (having your units in enemy deployment zone at the end of the game)
- Deep Strike Mishap is softened now: 1 - You're Dead, 2-3 Misplaced, and 4-6 Delayed.
- Feel No Pain dropped to 5+
- There's still only 1 Level of Instant Death, no Instant Death(x)
- Fleet allows for re-rolls on Run and possibly Assault distances.
- "Hammer of Wrath" allows model to make single attack at their base strength before combat on the turn it assault. Jump Infantry and Bike have it.
- Monstrous Creature can make "Smash" attack, forfeit half of its attack to resolve attack at Sx2 against vehicle.
- Flying Monstrous Creature can make two mode of movement. One being 24" move, performing D3+1 "Vector Strike" on a single unit within the path and then shoot up to two weapons or run 2D6" in the shooting phase. However, it cannot assault or being assaulted unless it get shot and fall down from the sky first (can't remember how you fire at it, 6 only?) Should it fall from the sky, it will take S9 hit and can now be assaulted as normal.
- Sniper has rule to allow them to allocate wounds to the model of your choice if you roll a 6 when rolling to hit.
- Rage is now +2 Attack on assault.
- Many new generalization of rules...such as Armourbane (roll 2d6 for armour penetration) and Fleshbane (2+ to wound)....this also expands to weapons as well (unwieldy, concussive, etc.)

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The Brave
The Brave

Età : 26
Località : Milano
Messaggi : 304

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MessaggioTitolo: Re: VI Edizione   VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Icon_minitimeDom Giu 24, 2012 10:53 pm

si ma in cac quando hai ucciso tutti i nemici vicino a te ma ci sono altri membri dell'unità nemica ancora vivi si ammassa semplicemente e i superstiti perdono il turno d'assalto o cosa? Warp charge WTF? potevano risparmiarsela la storia del Warlord...il fatto di dover sparare a BS1 è controverso, se un nemico ti viene addosso dovresti sparare meglio...finalmente una buona ragione per prendere questi aereomobili!(non mi aspetto risposte alle mie domande, infondo nessuno ha il regolamento)
PS: ho detto 2500 p. perchè nel white dwarf le partite illustrate sono di 2500 p. poi se ci si pensa 1750-85 pt. di armata, 500 pt. di alleati e fortificazioni ci stà
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Guardiano di Zendra
Guardiano di Zendra

Età : 38
Località : Muggiò,Genova,Cuneo, Pasturo
Messaggi : 6935

VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: VI Edizione   VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Icon_minitimeLun Giu 25, 2012 8:28 am

Altre informazioni sulle regole, come al solito prendetele con relativa sicurezza ^^

Citazione :
Here is a Question and Answer session with someone sitting down with the rulebook. He even answers the "whats on page 42?" question. So check it out, there is quite a bit here, and some of it we aleady know, but its nice to hear it again.

Questions answered via Rixitotal. The questions were from tons of different people. MadCowCrazy from Heresy Online was one, the rest are misc and unfamiliar names. (I didnt look too hard).

Battle Brothers: Good can join each others units with IC's and cast psychic powers as if they were friendly.

Allies of convienance: Cant join units or cast friendly powers

Desperate Allies: Have to roll if within 6" of an allied unit. if they roll a 1, they cannot do anything.

Necrons Allies:no battle brothers. allies of conveniance with chaos marines, gery knights (!!), tau and orcs. cant ally with deamons, any eldar or nids. all the rest are desperate allies. Desperate allies with Templars and Blood Angels

-normal one D3 +2 objectives. - one where heavy support can claim objectives and you get extra points for killing heavy support.- same with fast attack. -a kill point one.- one where there is a relic you take and move with thats basically an objective.- and a capture and control-ish one.

Whats on pg 42?
lol 42 has unviersal special rules. skyfire (AA), slow and purposeful, smash, sniper, soul blaze, specialist weapon, spilt fire, stealth and strafing run.

can take an allied detachment or something. must have 1 HQ and 1 Troop, and may have 1 more troop and 1 of each other slot except HQ. there is a table of who can ally with who and how good friends they are. good friends can join each others unit with independent chars and cast physic powers as if they were friendly. middle friends cant do that. and bad friends have to roll at the begging of each turn if they are withing 6, if they roll a 1 they cant do anything. and a lot of armies can ally at all. nids cant ally with anyone.

What about powers, say a blood angels sanguinary priest with a feel no pain 6" buff. will that work across armies? Even if it specifically says "any friendly units" for some armies? Or have GW gone down the "nope, separate for all" route?
probs one for the FAQ, allies specifically talks about physic powers. ps FnP is now 5+.

you get FnP against anything that dosnt cause instant death.
power swords are AP 3. Axes +1 S, AP2 and make you I 1. then there are mauls and spears that are lame.
it says any power weapons unspecified you must look at the model and see what they have for what kind of power weapon they have.

You still cannot assault out of deepstrike correct? Turn order is the same?
yea thats all the same.

Has fearless changed when you lose a combat? So no more lots of wounds taken when you lose a combat just because you're not scared of anyone?
hmmmm just says they pass moral tests... i can find anything anywhere that says they take extra wounds.... holy crap!

What are the rules for infantry types (jump, MC, etc.)?
What is the deal with charges?
What does preferred enemy do?
Hull points?
jump move 12, re roll charge dice (2D6) get a impact hits (called hammer of wrath). bikes turbo boost in shooting phase 12 (jet bikes 24, eldar jetbikes 36!!! for a total of 48inch move in 1 turn). charges are 2D6, and u can overwatch against it witch is every model gets to shoot at BS1 except heavy weapons. preferred enemy is reroll all hits and wounds that roll a 1, from shooting and combat!!! hull points are taken off by glancing hits. all gone = wreck. most vehicles have 3. land raider have 4, vipers have 2.

cover is 5+ sorry, ruins is 4+, most everything else is 5+ including shooting through troops. but you only need to have 25% hidden or troops or tanks to get cover.

How does wound allocation work for multi wounded models and different wargear on such models?

closest to furthest. wargear makes no difference.

Has the turn order changed or is it still Move->Shoot->Assault? What is the terrify USR that Chaos Daemons get now?
turns are the same. and its fear for demons. its a LD test or become WS1. fearless units and know no fear and immune to it.

Can units that have successfully completed an assault consolidate into a new combat?

Does assaulting into difficult terrain still reduce initiative to 1?
no cant consolidate in to new enemies. and yea makes the assaulting unit I 1.

runs do disallow assaults. fleet dosnt overcome this but lets you reroll your charge. ill have a crack at tables in a bit. yea chars and snipers that roll a 6 to hit can allocate the wound to a legal model. no changes to deep strike except the new (nicer) table.

Assulting through cover: roll and extra dice and take away the highest. and then you are I 1 unless you have assault grenades then its normal I order.

runs do disallow assaults. fleet dosnt overcome this but lets you reroll your charge. ill have a crack at tables in a bit. yea chars and snipers that roll a 6 to hit can allocate the wound to a legal model. no changes to deep strike except the new (nicer) table.

whats with shooting with vehicles? is it still one weapon and all defensive weapons?
its basically the same except any weapons you could not have previously shot can be snap shotted, so hit on a 6+.
How does the USR rage work now? Any changes allowing u control would make death companies viable if not a bit beast.

rage is ONLY +2 attacks on the charge. Death company are amazing now.

Are there any changes to Force Organisation? If so, what?
at 2000 pts you can take 2 FoCs. and 1 fortification slot. aside from that not much.

Another wound allocation question. In a multi armoured unit (think terminator wolf guard leading a power armoured wearing squad).
How does the wound thing work?
Is it the terminator 2+ save over and over until he finally dies then the rest of the squad? Or is it still a majority armour save applying?
no you take the armour save of the closest model if its different until he dies. but chars transfer it to the squad before armour saves one a 2+ so no having 1 wolfgaurd in termie Armour protecting a whole squad.

all things on flying bases are flyers as far as i can see. storm ravens are listen under the vanilla space marine section also!!!!!

Can a model still only make one save? What about ICs?
yup one save. except FnP of course

How fast can a vehicle move before passengers are unable to shoot from it?

Was the to hit chart rumors true? bs3 hitting moving infantry on 4+ and stationary tanks on 2+ etc
no thats not in it anywhere. you hit the same as 5th

play a Thunderwolf list and was wondering with the random charge distance will they then get a 12" movement? Also, are there any rule changes with Beasts and Cavalry other than that? Thanks
yea move 12, then assult 2D6 rerolling cos of fleet.

What do you need to hit a vehicle in CC depending on how far its moved.

3+. but u cant attack zooming flyers in combat at all.

Any changes to instant death or do multi-wound models like battlesuits and nid warriors still get gibbed by missiles?
its the same, double S is insta death.

Do buildings have Hull Points? Can beasts go into buildings? Template Weapons, how are they fired? Reserve Rolls? 3+ Turn 2? 2+ Turn 3? Automatically come in Turn 4?

yea they have hull points. the rest is all the same as 5th

Does relentless do anything other than allow units to assault after firing rapid fire? Extra shots? anything?
no, just can move and shoot and shoot and assult with heavy and rapid fire weapons.

What are the rules for fortification slot? Is there a point limit? What are some options and their relative point cost to each other?
all the fortifcation stuff already has a GW terrain model. teh walls are 50pts. bastion 75, and the big darkangel fort, yes the massive one is over 200.

Still hit a vehicle in the rear armour in close combat? A power axe might be a fairly decent anti vehicle weapon if so.

Can you double check the power axe? Is it minus 1 to Initiative or is it specifically I1? Request from warseer.
has the unwieldy rule same as a powerfist. make you I 1. and yes still rear Armour.

Can you ally with yourself to expand your FOC?
no you may not. but at 2000 pts u get a second FOC if u want it

When you perform Overwatch, is it possible to kill enough models so they dont actually make the distance into CC with you?

If 2 or more units charge 1 unit, can you overwatch both of them? If 4 units charge 2 units, can both units shoot each unit or is it limited to 1 charging unit only?
Any change to Swarms? Still double wounds from blast and template?
swarms are the same.
you over watch first and take from teh front. so yea can affect assults. only 1 over watch a turn.Here is a Question and Answer session with someone sitting down with the rulebook. He even answers the "whats on page 42?" question. So check it out, there is quite a bit here, and some of it we aleady know, but its nice to hear it again.

Questions answered via Rixitotal. The questions were from tons of different people. MadCowCrazy from Heresy Online was one, the rest are misc and unfamiliar names. (I didnt look too hard).

Battle Brothers: Good can join each others units with IC's and cast psychic powers as if they were friendly.

Allies of convienance: Cant join units or cast friendly powers

Desperate Allies: Have to roll if within 6" of an allied unit. if they roll a 1, they cannot do anything.

Necrons Allies:no battle brothers. allies of conveniance with chaos marines, gery knights (!!), tau and orcs. cant ally with deamons, any eldar or nids. all the rest are desperate allies. Desperate allies with Templars and Blood Angels

-normal one D3 +2 objectives. - one where heavy support can claim objectives and you get extra points for killing heavy support.- same with fast attack. -a kill point one.- one where there is a relic you take and move with thats basically an objective.- and a capture and control-ish one.

Whats on pg 42?
lol 42 has unviersal special rules. skyfire (AA), slow and purposeful, smash, sniper, soul blaze, specialist weapon, spilt fire, stealth and strafing run.

can take an allied detachment or something. must have 1 HQ and 1 Troop, and may have 1 more troop and 1 of each other slot except HQ. there is a table of who can ally with who and how good friends they are. good friends can join each others unit with independent chars and cast physic powers as if they were friendly. middle friends cant do that. and bad friends have to roll at the begging of each turn if they are withing 6, if they roll a 1 they cant do anything. and a lot of armies can ally at all. nids cant ally with anyone.

What about powers, say a blood angels sanguinary priest with a feel no pain 6" buff. will that work across armies? Even if it specifically says "any friendly units" for some armies? Or have GW gone down the "nope, separate for all" route?
probs one for the FAQ, allies specifically talks about physic powers. ps FnP is now 5+.

you get FnP against anything that dosnt cause instant death.
power swords are AP 3. Axes +1 S, AP2 and make you I 1. then there are mauls and spears that are lame.
it says any power weapons unspecified you must look at the model and see what they have for what kind of power weapon they have.

You still cannot assault out of deepstrike correct? Turn order is the same?
yea thats all the same.

Has fearless changed when you lose a combat? So no more lots of wounds taken when you lose a combat just because you're not scared of anyone?
hmmmm just says they pass moral tests... i can find anything anywhere that says they take extra wounds.... holy crap!

What are the rules for infantry types (jump, MC, etc.)?
What is the deal with charges?
What does preferred enemy do?
Hull points?
jump move 12, re roll charge dice (2D6) get a impact hits (called hammer of wrath). bikes turbo boost in shooting phase 12 (jet bikes 24, eldar jetbikes 36!!! for a total of 48inch move in 1 turn). charges are 2D6, and u can overwatch against it witch is every model gets to shoot at BS1 except heavy weapons. preferred enemy is reroll all hits and wounds that roll a 1, from shooting and combat!!! hull points are taken off by glancing hits. all gone = wreck. most vehicles have 3. land raider have 4, vipers have 2.

cover is 5+ sorry, ruins is 4+, most everything else is 5+ including shooting through troops. but you only need to have 25% hidden or troops or tanks to get cover.

How does wound allocation work for multi wounded models and different wargear on such models?

closest to furthest. wargear makes no difference.

Has the turn order changed or is it still Move->Shoot->Assault? What is the terrify USR that Chaos Daemons get now?
turns are the same. and its fear for demons. its a LD test or become WS1. fearless units and know no fear and immune to it.

Can units that have successfully completed an assault consolidate into a new combat?

Does assaulting into difficult terrain still reduce initiative to 1?
no cant consolidate in to new enemies. and yea makes the assaulting unit I 1.

runs do disallow assaults. fleet dosnt overcome this but lets you reroll your charge. ill have a crack at tables in a bit. yea chars and snipers that roll a 6 to hit can allocate the wound to a legal model. no changes to deep strike except the new (nicer) table.

Assulting through cover: roll and extra dice and take away the highest. and then you are I 1 unless you have assault grenades then its normal I order.

runs do disallow assaults. fleet dosnt overcome this but lets you reroll your charge. ill have a crack at tables in a bit. yea chars and snipers that roll a 6 to hit can allocate the wound to a legal model. no changes to deep strike except the new (nicer) table.

whats with shooting with vehicles? is it still one weapon and all defensive weapons?
its basically the same except any weapons you could not have previously shot can be snap shotted, so hit on a 6+.
How does the USR rage work now? Any changes allowing u control would make death companies viable if not a bit beast.

rage is ONLY +2 attacks on the charge. Death company are amazing now.

Are there any changes to Force Organisation? If so, what?
at 2000 pts you can take 2 FoCs. and 1 fortification slot. aside from that not much.

Another wound allocation question. In a multi armoured unit (think terminator wolf guard leading a power armoured wearing squad).
How does the wound thing work?
Is it the terminator 2+ save over and over until he finally dies then the rest of the squad? Or is it still a majority armour save applying?
no you take the armour save of the closest model if its different until he dies. but chars transfer it to the squad before armour saves one a 2+ so no having 1 wolfgaurd in termie Armour protecting a whole squad.

all things on flying bases are flyers as far as i can see. storm ravens are listen under the vanilla space marine section also!!!!!

Can a model still only make one save? What about ICs?
yup one save. except FnP of course

How fast can a vehicle move before passengers are unable to shoot from it?

Was the to hit chart rumors true? bs3 hitting moving infantry on 4+ and stationary tanks on 2+ etc
no thats not in it anywhere. you hit the same as 5th

play a Thunderwolf list and was wondering with the random charge distance will they then get a 12" movement? Also, are there any rule changes with Beasts and Cavalry other than that? Thanks
yea move 12, then assult 2D6 rerolling cos of fleet.

What do you need to hit a vehicle in CC depending on how far its moved.

3+. but u cant attack zooming flyers in combat at all.

Any changes to instant death or do multi-wound models like battlesuits and nid warriors still get gibbed by missiles?
its the same, double S is insta death.

Do buildings have Hull Points? Can beasts go into buildings? Template Weapons, how are they fired? Reserve Rolls? 3+ Turn 2? 2+ Turn 3? Automatically come in Turn 4?

yea they have hull points. the rest is all the same as 5th

Does relentless do anything other than allow units to assault after firing rapid fire? Extra shots? anything?
no, just can move and shoot and shoot and assult with heavy and rapid fire weapons.

What are the rules for fortification slot? Is there a point limit? What are some options and their relative point cost to each other?
all the fortifcation stuff already has a GW terrain model. teh walls are 50pts. bastion 75, and the big darkangel fort, yes the massive one is over 200.

Still hit a vehicle in the rear armour in close combat? A power axe might be a fairly decent anti vehicle weapon if so.

Can you double check the power axe? Is it minus 1 to Initiative or is it specifically I1? Request from warseer.
has the unwieldy rule same as a powerfist. make you I 1. and yes still rear Armour.

Can you ally with yourself to expand your FOC?
no you may not. but at 2000 pts u get a second FOC if u want it

When you perform Overwatch, is it possible to kill enough models so they dont actually make the distance into CC with you?

If 2 or more units charge 1 unit, can you overwatch both of them? If 4 units charge 2 units, can both units shoot each unit or is it limited to 1 charging unit only?
Any change to Swarms? Still double wounds from blast and template?
swarms are the same.
you over watch first and take from teh front. so yea can affect assults. only 1 over watch a turn.

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Età : 28
Località : San Benedetto del Tronto
Messaggi : 428

VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: VI Edizione   VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Icon_minitimeLun Giu 25, 2012 11:18 am

Grazie mille Talaban di aver postato queste informazioni, le ho trovate davvero utili ;)
Adesso aspettiamo solo l'arrivo del librone prima di trarre delle conclusioni.
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Età : 27
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MessaggioTitolo: Re: VI Edizione   VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Icon_minitimeLun Giu 25, 2012 12:04 pm

e per fortuna che non c'è la fase psichica, sarebbe una fase per 1/2 eserciti una vera ingiustizia! gia i marine hanno il doppio dei poteri degli eldar
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Età : 30
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MessaggioTitolo: Re: VI Edizione   VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Icon_minitimeMar Giu 26, 2012 2:23 am

Tutto questo è alquanto curioso; riprendo in mano codex e miniature giusto in tempo per il nuovo regolamento? Segno del destino ^^

Non ho capito bene,alcune cose non sono proprio chiarissime...

Ad esempio mi sembra di aver capito che sostituiscono la regola "rabbia" (quella che fa correre verso il nemico più vicino) con una che da +2 attacchi in carica ma mi sembra strano. Rabbia non doveva essere una sorta di "malus" che rendeva poco controllabili alcune unità?

Insomma se è davvero così vedrete subito liste tiranidi con horma fiancheggiatori (grazie al tiranno) o ev. incapsulati, sperando vivamente che sbaglino il tiro del controllo sinaptico per avere quello spam di attacchi in più... La lotta per allontanare le creature sinaptiche dalle truppe, se finisse così ci sarebbe da ridere, altro che BG :D
Continuo a pensare di non aver capito qualcosa

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Guardiano di Zendra
Guardiano di Zendra

Età : 38
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Messaggi : 6935

VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: VI Edizione   VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Icon_minitimeMar Giu 26, 2012 8:28 am

Drakhor ha scritto:
Tutto questo è alquanto curioso; riprendo in mano codex e miniature giusto in tempo per il nuovo regolamento? Segno del destino ^^

Non ho capito bene,alcune cose non sono proprio chiarissime...

Ad esempio mi sembra di aver capito che sostituiscono la regola "rabbia" (quella che fa correre verso il nemico più vicino) con una che da +2 attacchi in carica ma mi sembra strano. Rabbia non doveva essere una sorta di "malus" che rendeva poco controllabili alcune unità?

Insomma se è davvero così vedrete subito liste tiranidi con horma fiancheggiatori (grazie al tiranno) o ev. incapsulati, sperando vivamente che sbaglino il tiro del controllo sinaptico per avere quello spam di attacchi in più... La lotta per allontanare le creature sinaptiche dalle truppe, se finisse così ci sarebbe da ridere, altro che BG :D
Continuo a pensare di non aver capito qualcosa

ti sfugge che gli horma sono soggetti al comportamento istintivo/nutrimento e non alla rabbia, quinjdi la tua ipotesi non vale ^^
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Età : 27
Località : pergine valsugana
Messaggi : 3370

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MessaggioTitolo: Re: VI Edizione   VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Icon_minitimeMar Giu 26, 2012 8:51 am

io avevo capito che oltre ai malus dai +2 attacchi in carica, senno moritururi sono dei marin con ac5 carica furiosa e insensibili che prendono +2 per 20 punti...
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MessaggioTitolo: Re: VI Edizione   VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Icon_minitimeMar Giu 26, 2012 8:52 am

beh la cumpa che diventa controllabile è comunque uno stupro del BG..
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Età : 27
Località : pergine valsugana
Messaggi : 3370

VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: VI Edizione   VI Edizione - Pagina 7 Icon_minitimeMar Giu 26, 2012 9:02 am

gia hanno dato più poteri psionic ai marine che agli eldar, ne sarebbero capaci.
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